track and field


  Photo: Jetola Anderson-Blair of Houston Texas ; winner of  The Marcia Sinclair Memorial Award.  New York/October 29, 2020/CMMInc… The Awards Ceremony to announce the winners of the recently held […]

Hubert Lawrence |Gibson McCook Relay Magic

Jamaica Gleaner Last year, Kimar Farquharson was the shining high school star of the 41st Gibson McCook Relays. His stunning 4×800-metre anchor leg time-warped Calabar High School into the record […]

TJB Hosts NY Breakfast For ‘Penns’ Teams

NEW YORK: In its continuing quest to raise funds, Team Jamaica Bickle (TJB), held its second annual breakfast at the St Luke’s Episcopal Church Hall, 777, 222nd Street in Bronx, New […]